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Admin User Guide

We did our best to make the setup and operation intuitive. Just start at Venue Setup and work your way down and you’ll accomplish all the tasks required to setup and use the service.

This page it intended to fill in the gaps with more in-depth descriptions and tips for maximizing the benefit of the service.

Not all features shown in this guide are available on all subscriptions. For example, images are not available on the lower subscription levels, even though you may see references to image functions.

If there’s anything we can do to improve the app descriptions or this documentation please let us know at


The dashboard page gives important real-time status updates for staff on-duty and Guest Orders. Orders are displayed in the order they were placed.

Dashboard Information
Menu navigation to quickly and easily get to what you want to adjust.
See who among the staff have their status set to on-duty.
Keep an eye on guest orders to see what guests are ordering and keep an eye on how fast service is delivering orders.

Venue Setup

Use this page to set preferences for the entire venue (yacht, resort, etc.) Set your name, upload your logo, request guest info, etc.

Venue setup page
Type your ship, resort, club, etc. name
Select Choose file to upload your logo file.
Toggle to request Guest info when guests scan their first tag. Then the info is stored on their device and they don’t have to enter it again.

Location Setup

Create all the “locations” you want to place tags for ordering.

location setup page
Click to add locations to your venue.
Type the name of your new location, then click +Add. This name appears at the top of the guest menu so they can confirm it matches where they are. It also appears on the Staff Open Orders page so staff know where to take orders. See the hint for helpful naming guidance.
Click to rename or delete a location. If the location is the same physical space, then renaming it is best, but if you want to create a new location in a different space, then delete the old location and add a new one.

Tag Setup

Adopt new NFC tags, create your own QR code tags and assign them to your locations. It is totally fine to associate more than one tag to a location however the more tags and the larger space a location covers the longer it could take staff to deliver orders. Ideally you want your locations pretty small.

Pro Tip: If you are adopting pre-coded NFC/QR tags, then this page is easiest if you log in to your account on your phone/tablet and scan the NFC or QR code, and click the “Adopt Tag” link that appears. It’s much faster than reading & typing on a computer.


tag setup page
Click to adopt tags that are already coded with NFC and QR codes. Type the tag serial number which is eight (8) alpha characters (no numerals). Select the location where you will deploy this tag, and click +Adopt New Tag.
Click to create your own tags with QR codes. Click Generate a DIY tag serial#. Make sure to save this QR code image with the location in it’s filename so you know where it’s for. Set the location for the QR code then click +Add DIY QR Tag.
Click to filter the list of tags. You can type any part of the serial # to find matches.
Click Edit Tags to delete tags that have been damaged or lost. You can also update the location of the tag to move the tag to a new location.
When you click the QR icon, it will open a new page so you can download or save again the image for the QR code for that particular tag. This is useful if you print your own tags or signage and lost the QR code image.

Menu Types

Create the top categories for your menu items such as drinks, food, services.

menu types page
Click to add new menu types. Type a name then press Enter or click +Add. You can keep adding names until you’ve added everything you want then click done.
Click a line name to edit or update the menu type properties.
Update the name and other details. Some features may be visible or hidden depending on what subscription is purchased.
The display order number is used to set the order items appear on the guest menu. Gaps in the numbers are helpful so as things get added or removed you don’t have to adjust every other item. For example items numbered 1,3,5,11,21,23 will show up find and leave some room for additions later.

Menu Items

Create the items for guests to order, add an appetizing description, an invitation to customize and item pictures (if subscribed).

editing menu items
Choose one of the menu types that you created on the previous page to begin adding or editing the menu items.
Select a line to see the details of the item.
Click here to add new items to this menu type. You can press the Enter key or click +Add Item. Click Done when you are done.
Click to edit the details for the item. Make your changes then click Update Item to save the details. If you have a subscription that includes images you can add an image to represent the item.

Staff Management

This is where you invite staff to join your organization and assign roles to the staff. The top of the page tells you how many users are licensed and how many you are currently using.

staff management page
Click to bring up an invite dialog box. You’ll enter the email address of the staff member you would like to invite as well as a personal message. Staff will receive a message inviting them to complete their profile and create a login.
Click to edit the users name or email address.
Click to manage the roles given to the user. Do not assign the Administrator role with any operational roles. If the same person needs to be both an operator and administrator create two accounts for that person.
Click to remove this user from your organization. There is a confirmation dialog to confirm you want to delete the user.

Profile Management

On this page you can update your name, email and password.

profile management page
Make updates to your name and/or email address then click Update Info.
Enter your current password, then type your new password twice, then click Update Password.

Account Billing

Choose a subscription option and checkout using Stripe for credit card processing. After you have started a subscription (trial or paid) you can make changes, upgrades, or cancellations by clicking the Stripe Customer Portal button.

Affiliate Income

This page describes how you can sign up to become part of our affiliate income program where we pay you to tell others about our service.

App Features

There are so many features we want to build into this app, but we want to make sure that we are building what you want and what helps you best. Use this page to vote for the most important features to you.

app features page
Click the green vote button to vote for a feature. You can say 1-5 if you don’t want it at all or if you really want it.